Our studies often deal with conservation of woodland associated insects and their biodiversity, predominantly in temperate forests of low or middle elevations. We explore how different forest managements affect diversity and composition of insect communities, mainly those of saproxylic beetles, but also butterflies, moths, bees and wasps or other groups. We are particularly interested in the management of protected woodland areas where biodiversity conservation is the primary objective. We try to evaluate costs and benefits of non-intervention vs. active intervention approach. Due to a spontaneous development taking place in most of the protected forests, formerly biologicaly rich open or semi-open woodlands have become shady closed-canopy forests leading to a rapid decline in number of light-demanding and often specialized species. Our studies indicate that conservation management should aim at opening the canopy and diversifying structure of the protected forests. In this context, we often show that traditional silvicultural practices, such as coppicing, wood-pasture or pollarding, may serve as useful tools in conservation and ecological restoration of temperate woodlands.
Members involved
Pavel Šebek, Lukáš Čížek, Michal Perlík, Petr Kozel, Lucie Ambrožová
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